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    2018-05-18 15:06:21


    ntelligent manufacturing as the main direction of "made in China 2025" is not only an important opportunity for China to realize the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, but also the success or failure of manufacturing power strategy. Intelligent manufacturing focus on promotion of digital technology, system integration technology, key technology and


    equipment, intelligent manufacturing complete sets of equipment, strengthen software, standard, such as basic support ability, continuous cultivation, improve and promote intelligent manufacturing mode, improve the degree of manufacturing informatization and integration sharing level. Build a new manufacturing system and the implementation of intelligent manufacturing engineering, not only shorten the development cycle, product design can also reduce operating costs, on the basis of improving production efficiency and product quality, improve the adaptability and flexibility of manufacturing


    supply structure, create new momentum of economic growth.
    The vigorous development of intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing has further expanded the volume of manufacturing industry, which in turn provides a broader industrial cooperation space for the development of information technology. Information technology and high-end equipment, integrated circuit, new energy, new materials, biological medicine, aviation engine, gas turbine is of great importance to development


    of new industries, such as power industry become a dominant industry.
    Manufacturing informatization helps to build innovation driven industry development system, perfect the cloud computing data gathering, industrial enterprises and application service connectivity, progressive transformation of industrial ecological system, building industrial Internet platform, promote the development of manufacturing industry and the Internet to deeper


    As intelligent manufacturing becomes the mainstream mode of industrial development, the profit margin of intelligent design and service will be greatly improved, and the profit margin of intelligent manufacturing business will be further reduced. Among them, intelligent design is the source, can help intelligent factory accurate to identify the production object and the factors of production, if there is no intelligent design, industrial production up to realize


    manufacturing capacity as intelligent manufacturing. Without the intelligence of design and service, the factory can only serve as the world factory with lower profit margin. Also, there is no the ability of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent plant become no root of wood, and water without source, therefore, between the three core parts of intelligent manufacturing is organic together, be short of one cannot.




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